You have a calling to be a professional public speaker. This is where you amplify your voice.
Do you have this innate inner knowing that you are meant to be on stage sharing your message?
It’s an inner-knowing that even if someone doesn’t tap you on the shoulder and invite you to speak somewhere, it’s something you know you’re meant to do.
It’s about something greater than yourself, choosing to become a professional public speaker. It’s putting yourself out there, ego aside, for the love of inspiring people to change their lives for the better in the ways you already embody.
A commitment to making a mark, leading your legacy, so you can experience the joy of being appreciated and fully alive on stage now, vs. taking it to the grave. You know what you deeply desire to do. You just need help with the how.
You ask yourself: how do I outline it? How do I pitch people? How do I ensure I get asked to speak? How do I get people booking calls with me from my talk?
Here's a breakdown of what to expect in the 1:1 VIP Day Create & Tour Your Signature Worship coaching experience.
1. Identify your topic, ideal audience & pricing
2. Draft your talking points
3. Plan your strategic partnerships for maximum visibility
How do we do that? We get into logistics and actionable strategy, sure, but we also illuminate mindset blocks so you can move past them and confidently onto the stage of your choice! Create & Tour Your Signature Workshop takes you from an aspiring speaker to actively on stages in front of the right people. It all starts with the decision that you are ready to step into your greatest expression of confidence, embodiment and visibility. Limited spots available for July 2022, and there’s no promise this program will be opened up again after that. Let’s go!

Stephanie Thoma
Meet Stephanie
This program was created by Stephanie Thoma, who toured her signature workshop, networking for introverts, everywhere from Tokyo to Harvard in 2019. She has since spoken at countless summits, on a variety of podcasts, both online and in-person and wants to help you with your audacious speaking goals with her knowledge both on stage, and behind-the-scenes of TEDx for 7 years.
Is Create & Tour Your
Signature Workshop right for you?
It is for you if: